This was one of my favorite shows to design for. Charles Schultz's iconic characters offered a a multitude of inspiration to create marketing materials to promote the show. For the primary poster, I put a different “ad” on the well-known cartoon of Lucy at her pysch booth. As a companion series, I also created character posters, each of which includes the iconic colors and designs for the main Peanuts gang. In addition to the large posters, I created two smaller ads that could be handed out or left on tables. With both of these I chose shapes that were unique and colors that would be eye catching if left on a table or pinned to an announcement board.

During production I was inspired by the show logo, in conjunction with the poster I’d already made, to create a series of book covers for each character. I researched more of the Peanuts characters and created binder covers for all of the actors and members of the production team. For the show itself, I created and designed the playbill, including taking headshots of the actors


Table Ads


Show Program

Binder Covers

Click here or the image above to view all of the designs.